
PCYC is a not-for-profit organisation delivering a broad range of youth and community activities and support, in partnership with NSW Police Youth and Crime Prevention Command. Their vision is to empower young people to reach their full potential.​

​PCYC’s offerings range from gyms, OOSH care, Gymnastics, Boxing, basketball, community activities and more. Their clubs are welcoming and accessible, reflecting the community they serve by offering classes and programs to suite all ages and lifestyles.​


Project Bounceback

The objective of the campaign was to bring people back into the gym after the COVID restrictions were eased, by reminding everyone what PCYC offers for the community.​

Sublime put forward two concepts to the PCYC board - one concept involved Brad Fittler, the NSW Blues Coach, as the Ambassador for the campaign. ​

Brad cemented the campaign concept based on his strong connection to the NSW community, especially in relation to sports and leisure activities. ​

Storyboards for the campaign have been signed off and filming has begun. We're excited to see the final outcome and measure the results.​



MEMBER Engagement Proposal

As a Not-For-Profit organisation, PCYC raises funds through activities and member participation. They needed a way to improve member prospecting and engagement to continue their operations. After 116 years of traditional marketing, PCYC had never utilised digital, but understood that in today's era, they needed to find a better way.​

Sublime Australia proposed a complete phone-based digital marketing solution, to attract, engage and retain members.​

From SMS-based communications to improve conversion rates, to a video from the CEO and a fully-mobile optimised campaign of resources and content, they experienced the highest conversion rate they've ever seen.​



Corporate Website

PCYC have over 64 clubs across NSW. Currently, each website is setup on its own platform, allowing each club to update their own content directly. ​

However, the downside of so many individual sites is that each site needs to be monitored, increasing workload and creating a lack of program integration.​​

Sublime Australia put forward a strategic approach to resolve this issue.​
​Our team are building one consolidated platform where all club sites can be managed from. This means that at the click of one ‘upload’ button, all sites will synchronise and update, saving PCYC individual developer costs for all 64 sites.​

This also enables better brand integration and consistency. ​

